my image was asked to be in the make/shift magazine
it's a small feminist publication and i am ecstatic that i was even considered for this!
hopefully this will be the push i need to start advertising my work more.
you can find out more about the publication at
in other news:

"you gotta have rain... to make a rainbow"
I sometimes forget that there's always a brighter side to life.
that was the first time i've ever seen a full arc of a rainbow.
the nice man on the bike (pictured on the lower right) waved me down as i was biking over a bridge
i could have just rode right by it and never even noticed.
it's moments like that where i truly appreciate humanity and kindness of strangers.

i went to the oregon coast for the first time!
It was the Tillamook (yes, the cheese is made there as well) coast and i went with two classmates in order to document for a science project.
sometimes, art school isn't a drag :]